Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Remembering Who We Are

“Remembering Who We Are”

Sam Houston once said the famous words, “Remember the Alamo.” These words initiated his troops into a passionate state of rage. The men wanted to get even with Santa Anna, a cruel and ruthless dictator, because of the lives lost at the Alamo. I looked around the heart of San Antonio, downtown, and saw the famous structure standing in the middle. People were going about their daily lives embracing the September sun. I was glad to be there. I am blessed to explore who I am and the history of where I come from.

I found the structure amazing and the exhibits very educational. Jose Navarro, Stephen F. Austin, Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett, and Sam Houston were not just character roles on some old movie; they were actual heroes, actual people with a story. Despite Navarro’s feelings towards slavery, he was a very good hearted man with exceptional intentions. I walked the grounds of the Alamo engulfed with feelings of disbelief. Once again I took my son along for the journey. As I pushed the stroller my sons little hands rubbed against the wall of the Alamo. I gently grabbed his hands and sat them on his lap. I asked myself, how many people had touched these walls? It’s the entire essence of being in a historical place that I love.

It’s truly about remembering who we are and remembering the Alamo. It is important to me because this my history, the history of my son, and I want to absorb as much knowledge as possible. I value the Alamo and the people who lost their lives there. Standing on that ground made me realize that so many people have died for the freedoms that we enjoy today, and too much is taken for granted. It makes me strive to be a better person and enjoy the small things life has to offer.

word count-317

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